• School
  • Educational system in country
  • Organization
  • Culturally and diversity sensitive?
  • Available forms of support
  • Educational
  • Remedial classes

Remedial classes

In some cases, remedial classes may be the most effective and fastest way to help the child to gain skills and knowledge essential for full participation in regular lessons.

These classes may include specific language lessons (preferably taught by a teacher trained in teaching the dominant language as a foreign one, or a modern language teacher, who is better prepared to teach basic communicative skills than a teacher specializing in the dominant language itself, e.g. a teacher of Polish language and literature in Poland).

The classes may also focus on given subjects, where the child needs to catch up with colleagues, in this case it is also important to adapt the program to specific needs of the migrant child, especially linguistically (for examples of adapted teaching materials in Polish, see https://metodajes.pl/)