• Kadra
  • Kadra niepedagogiczna
  • Wrażliwość kulturowa
  • Przeszkolenie i przygotowanie
  • Safe Inclusive Friendly Open for diversity

Safe Inclusive Friendly Open for diversity

An inclusive and diversity-friendly school is a place where people from different cultures may function freely and safely, expressing and developing their unique identity in an atmosphere of acceptance and tolerance towards each other (which should work both ways, i.e. from the host community towards the migrant students and the other way round). The value of inclusivity relates not only to behaviors and attitudes, but also practical solutions, such as space organization or availability of certain types of food in a school canteen.

Does the staff realise how important it is to create an environment in which the migrant students will feel safe to be themselves and not forced to hide certain aspects of their identity (for example language, religious practices, national/ethnic symbols, etc.)?