• System edukacji w kraju
  • Organizacja
  • Wrażliwość na kulturę i różnorodność?
  • Dostępne formy wsparcia
  • Wsparcie psychologiczne
  • Therapeutic care

Therapeutic care

It is important the therapeutic care is culturally sensitive, i.e. accepting the child’s cultural background and any possible differences between their original culture and the host culture.

It is important to beware of two frequent misinterpretations of the difficulties: linking all types of problems with the adaptation process and culture shock, and on the other hand, misdiagnosing other disorders while observed symptoms should be perceived as a part of the adjustment disorder.

As far as possible, interventions should be provided in a language a child is fairly proficient in or with the support of an interpreter (e.g., see https://www.pasaloproject.org/).