• Warsztat antydyskryminacyjny
  • Umiejętności / kompetencje antydyskryminacyjne
  • Trening / warsztat wrażliwości kulturowej
  • Working With / Preparing The Class

Working With / Preparing The Class

Preparing the class for welcoming a new migrant student and working with the class to make the process of integration and coexistence safe and beneficial for all parties involved, is one of the most important tasks of a teacher.

In order to achieve that, you need to convey the values of self-awareness, ethno-relativism, tolerance and willingness to learn about new cultures not only in theory, but also to find real-life examples related to students’ experience. It is worth to present benefits they may find in multicultural environment and identify potential dangers and difficulties that may happen in the process of integration / collaboration in a multicultural classroom